10 tips to go on a diet and start losing weight

diet and start losing weight

10 tips to go on a diet and start losing weight

Let’s make it clear that the perfect recipe for weight loss does not exist! This small handbook simply collects a series of useful tips and indications for those who start a diet to try to carry it out successfully, but more generally to be more aware of their diet, to improve their relationship with food and learn to eat healthy, so as to maintain a healthy weight and not gain weight!

1. Change your relationship with food.

We have already said it. To be able to diet, you must first look at your relationship with food, understand what is wrong and what you can do to change. The food is a source of nourishment but also for pleasure and especially of well-being; there is nothing good in a binge of snacks.

2. Learn to eat well.

The first thing you need to do if you really want to lose weight is to learn to eat well. Say goodbye to sweet and savory snacks, to pre-cooked and packaged foods. Remember that to feel good we need to consume fruits and vegetables every day, together with the right dose of carbohydrates, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products …, while fats and condiments must be reduced to the minimum necessary.

3. Rediscover the genuine taste of healthy foods.

Restart from the base of the food pyramid: go back to the origin of the foods, and try to consume them in the most natural way possible. Fruits and vegetables, for example, must be in season, and preferably eaten raw, steamed or grilled, adding a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil, and salt (preferably whole sea salt) only if necessary: you may not like it at the beginning, but after a while you will begin to appreciate the genuine taste of food.

4. Food is not a refuge.

We have already mentioned it: many people experience food as consolation, reward, antidote to boredom or sadness. This mental attitude towards nutrition is often one of the main causes of an unhealthy relationship with food, improper nutrition and therefore weight gain. In order to lose weight, this precept must be done: food is not a refuge just as eating is not a way to console or distract yourself.

5. Fasting is not a solution

In the same way, fasting is never a solution for weight loss, on the contrary. If it is true that a purifying day, especially after a period of particularly abundant and fatty meals, serves to detoxify the body, fasting usually hurts because it deprives the body of essential nutrients to synthesize energy, weakens the muscles, increases hunger and nervousness and causes dizziness and dizziness. In short, fasting is not the right way to lose weight at all!

6. Diet is not a deprivation

The idea of dieting is often seen as a deprivation, an obligation or a ban. Nothing could be more wrong: approaching the diet with this mood will only increase the desire to transgress by eating fatty and high-calorie foods. The diet must be lived as a choice to marry a balanced and healthy diet, able to bring benefits to both the body and the mind.

7. Weight is not an obsession

Likewise, dieting doesn’t have to be an obsession. Morbid calorie counting and manic weight control won’t help you lose weight sooner, on the contrary. The goal of the diet is to learn how to eat healthy and reach your healthy weight: this also means learning to understand when you can indulge in a small tear to the rule. Remember also that we are not all the same and that there is a different weight for each of us: do not chase false models of thinness! The important thing is to feel good about yourself and your body.

8. Sit at a relaxed table

Arriving relaxed at mealtimes is essential to eating well: as we have said, food must not be invested with compensatory psychological meanings, so it is very important to sit at the table in a peaceful state of mind, to avoid the frustrations accumulated during the day has an impact on eating behavior.

9. Do sports

Weight loss is not just about nutrition. Being able to follow and complete a diet is a complex process, which depends on a multiplicity of factors: staying fit means taking care of your body at 360 degrees, not only through healthy eating but also thanks to physical activity appropriate. Sports also help burn excess calories, accelerate the metabolism and reduce the sense of hunger: sport is an indispensable ally of the diet.

10. Contact a professional

Finally yet importantly, the recommendation to turn to a professional is essential to follow a diet successfully. If you have really decided to go on a diet, you must necessarily contact a dietician or nutritionist, who will draw up a personalized diet, in accordance with your needs and will follow you, even encouraging you, throughout the path towards achieving your healthy weight.

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