7 Things that Fit People Do Differently

Fit People

7 Things that Fit People Do Differently

Maintaining proper nutrition when we are super busy, super stressed, with too many things in mind, always in a rush, without ever a moment for ourselves is not very easy.

If you too find yourself in this situation, I bet you tend not to pay enough time and attention to your eating habits.

The consequences of this attitude are very negative: you lose control of the quality and quantity of what you eat.

In short, you gain weight and / or get sick.

Yes, because when we lose sight of the relationship with food, obesity and disease, sooner or later they knock on our door.

And here we are that as soon as we realize that we have accumulated extra pounds, we automatically undergo restrictive and strenuous diets, which in the name of ‘correct nutrition’ do nothing but increase the already abundant dose of daily stress.

No, the solution is not starvation diets or the last magic pill everyone is talking about, the solution is to recover a balanced relationship with food and  discover a new way of eating, more natural and healthy, that will keep us healthy and of which weight loss will be only a natural consequence.

But how do you do it?

A Proper Nutrition Experiment

I propose an experiment of correct nutrition to do on yourself, and I assure you that if you follow the suggestions that I propose for you for only 2 weeks you  will be able to  discover the leaner, more peaceful and happy side of you!

Are you there?

The watchword of these two weeks will be to fight stress and recover a balanced relationship with food!

All you need to do and follow the tips below for at least 14 days:

1. Eat seated

Even if it’s just a simple snack, sit down. Never eat standing up!

This must be an absolute rule, never to be ignored.

Eating sitting leads to recovering a “nutritional calm”, an indispensable premise to rediscover the concept of satiety and nutritional satisfaction.

It is also of great help in disposing of “nutritional voracity”, “aggression towards food”.

2. Eat slowly, it is as important as proper nutrition

Eating slowly is a fantastic anti-stress exercise and one of the paradigms of proper nutrition.

Instead of eating thinking about the next things to do when you eat, just think about food. It sets aside every thought and makes food the real protagonist of the meal.

Spend time with each meal and try to eat as slowly as possible. In this way, you will give your body time to more efficiently send the feeling of fullness to the mind.

In fact, the brain needs 20 minutes to transmit a sense of satiety: eating quickly means eating food without realizing the moment when you feel full.

Scientists agree that eating at a slower pace also leads to a decrease in appetite.

Remember that eating does not mean wasting time, on the other hand, while you eat you are nourishing your body and giving it the fuel necessary to better face every daily challenge.

If you have difficulty eating slowly, put your fork down after each bite, talk to those who sit next to you.

Take the opportunity of the meal to enjoy the company of your partner, your children or your colleagues. Talking to them will also give you the opportunity to strengthen the bond that unites you.

3. Eat in the kitchen

Accustomed to eating meals in the place intended for their consumption. Do not eat in the study, on the office desk or in front of the TV.

Break the environmental connection, practicing a self-managed diet always in a food context.

4. Just eat!

Don’t worry about anything else while you eat!

Don’t eat while reading, while watching TV, or while checking the profile on Face Book!

Eating is an action that has a specific dignity.

Committed for these two weeks to abandon certain incorrect habits now become chronic and acquire new, more positive ones.

5. Eat with some relaxing music in the background.

Listening to music decreases the level of cortisol in the body by 66%.

Music can have an important calming effect on the brain, especially when subjected to a lot of stress.

The advice can be adopted, even if you invite your in-laws to dinner!

And instead of watching television, listening to some music can be used for relaxation to lower the cortisol level before going to bed, thus promoting a more peaceful rest.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep is an essential moment of rest and well-being, capable of promoting all the processes of regeneration and growth.

Not getting enough sleep breaks the balance of body metabolism.

In fact, during the night, the metabolism favors the disposal of fatty acids.

7. Meditate in the kitchen

If, as we have seen, relaxation techniques are more effective than a diet for losing weight, you cannot help but meditate!

Practicing meditation is the best anti-stress antidote in the world.

I guess you’re thinking that you already have too many things to do and you don’t really have time for meditation. I assure you that a little extra time for meditation is not that difficult to find.


Trying to reconcile meditation with one of the activities, you undertake daily.

In fact, meditating does not necessarily mean sitting and immobile in the lotus position!

Some daily activities, if faced with the right frame of mind and the right mental approach, can easily be transformed into a satisfying meditation exercise.

Meditation, in its forms, is a tool that can help us to be aware of every moment we live, learning to stay in the here and now.

Meditation is everything we do with awareness of the present moment.

Cooking is one of the activities that most people associate most easily with meditation practice.

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